Thursday, August 22, 2013

DIY : MSW Tiara !!


Hello Stardoll Lovers (:

I'll show you how 2 make your own
MSW inspired Tiara ! :D
We all know MSW is coming ,
so i made a DIY in MSW style ! (:

Step 1 : Choose a Tiara ( 5 sd)
Make it silver , choose the colour light pink.
(The promo picture is pink , so i guess that's also the theme colour)


Step 2 : Pick a big silver diamond , place it in the Tiara.
Step 3 : Place a heart in the middle.
Then pick round Diamons and place them in the tiara.
Pick 2 white diamonts place them on the sides of the tiara.

Step 4 : Shape with some bars an moon shapes 'MSW' on top of the tiara.

So that's it ! Your selfmade supah awesome Tiara (:
xx Liez-Is-Gek


1 hotbuy - 3 ways to style it !!

Hello Stardollies !
I will show you how 2 make 3 (!) Outfits with 1 Hotbuy !!
I bought this Hotbuy :
for 16 sd !
1 : ROCK IT !

I used :
Belt - 20 sc - Fallen Angel
Hand Gloves -30 sc - Fallen Angel
Shoes - 40 sc - Fallen Angel


I used :
Hat - 48 sc - It Girls
Necklace - 5 sd - Mawi
Bag - 52 sc - Decades
Shoes - 50 sc - Voile
3 : CUTE

I used :
Bow - 70 sc - Splendid
Heart pin - 10 sc - Evil Panda
Bag - 61 sc - Original Future
Shoes - 30 sc - Pretty n' Love
I hope you like these outfits !!
xx Liez is Gek


DIY : Military Badge

Hello Stardoll Lovers !
Today i will show you how 2 make an awesome Military Badge with 'Stardesign
jewelry' !
Step 1 : Choose a small black earring for 3 sd.

Step 2 : Pick a black diamond piece.

Step 3 : Pick 2 leaves , put them on the side of the diamond.


Step 4 : Pick 3 Stars put them on top of the badge/diamond.


Step 5 : Pick a non filled star and make it orange , put it on the star in the middle.
And you are done !
This is your selfmade Military Badge !
It costed 5 SD !!
I hope you liked this DIY !
xx Liez - Is - Gek

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Free : One Direction 'This is Us' stuff !

Hey Stardoll lovers ,

I've got something for you !
Some Awesome One Direction stuff !

I'll show you how 2 get it !

If you are from the USA i already lays in your suite.

Step 1 : Go 2 a American proxy, like  :  

Step 2 : copy and paste this in the URL-bar :

Step 3 : Log in 2 Stardoll !

Step 4 : Wait tilll the page has loaded. Then log off and close the proxy.

You can find it in your suite now !
(somethimes it takes a while !)

Also awesome :

There are new chatrooms !!
With a One Direction Theme !
(I only saw them on the American Stardoll site ... )

I hope you liked this post/freebie !!

Lots of Love ,

Secrets and Dreams a Stardoll interactive story !


Hello Stardoll lovers !

Since today Stardoll launched a sort of comic book ,
it's called Secrets and Dreams. It's about a girl that is going to
move to another city. She goes 2 a Fashion Designer school.
And there is something with marshmallows. (: You can buy the
comic book 09/24. People asked if it is
something like Mortal Kiss , but is isn't. You don't
get free stuff or something like that , it's just reading.

Look : 

If you want 2 read it Click Here  !!

Xx Liez-Is-Gek

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Hey stardoll lovers !

There is a new outfit from Young Hollywood !
It's a Lady Gaga 'applause'  outfit !

I am a big fan from lady gaga , so i wanted 2
buy the mask. But then it was SOLD OUT !
I am really angry about this ,
they only had 750 in stock !

Soooo.. i bought the bag (:

Take a look :

The bikini and boots are ALSO SOLD OUT !!

Also , stardoll posted this on facebook :

What do YOU think ? Are you going 2 buy it ?

Greeeeeettzzzzz Liez-Is-Gek

Monday, August 19, 2013

Review/New ! Tress Up ! Queens of pop !

Hello Stardoll Lovers !!

There is a new collectionin the Tress Up Shop !!

It's called : 'Queens of Pop' 

I reviewed the Lady Gaga ArtPop wig !!

I'll show you :

That's just my favorite !
You've also got Madonna , Nicki Minaj , Rihanna and Britney hair !
They are like  15 sd /16 sd for one wig.

I love the fact that the Shadows aren't that .. BOOM !
It's a nice wig for a nice and natural look.

I hope you liked this review/newness post :P

xx Liez-Is-Gek

FREE : 1D 'This Is Us'

         Hello Stardoll Lovers ,

I've got a awesome thing for you !

A One Direction Tote Bag and Guitar !!

If you are from the UK it already lays in you suite. It does'nt ? Skip the proxy part (:

Step 1 : Go to 

Step 2 : Copy and Paste this in the Proxy URL-bar : 

Step 3 : Log in

Step 4 : Copy and paste this in the Proxy URL-bar :

Step 5 : Scroll down the page , you are member of the One Direction 'THIS IS US'
club now , and you received a guitar. Now click on the bag.
Wait till the page is ready ,then click it away.

Step 6 : Log out and go 2  !
Go 2 your suite and you will find the Bag and the Guitar there !

Good Luck !

xx Liez-Is-Gek


Hello Sweeeeet Stardoll lovers ! (:

I am SO happy ! The Miss Stardoll page is coming !
I never came trough the first round ,
now i want 2 represent The Netherlands !

It was already posted on FaceBook  With the message :

It's coming !
(and this picture ! That's a weird pony :|  )

This is the 'promo'/ 'demo' / 'first picture '  picture :P

So , enough about me and what i want 2 do !
How about you ? 
I will make an extra post where i post medolls so 
you can get 'extra' publicity for your medoll !I will post extra information tomorrow !

                                                               I hope you liked this post !

xx Liez-Is-Gek

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Make Over with 'MyNameIsMelinde' !!

Hello Stardoll Lovers !

Today i'll give a make over 2 my little sister MyNameIsMelinde.

Before :

After :

So i used this for the make over ! :

Stud Headpiece- 12 sd
eyelashes - 15 sc
Superstar hair 
Quest Red Lipstick - 0 sc -  Stardoll Academy
Little Stars earrings - 90 sc - Epiphany
Silver eyeshadow - 0 sc - Stardoll Academy
Midnight Black Shadow - 3 sd - DOT
Midnight Black Eyeliner - 4 sd - DOT

I really loved it 2 do a make-over !!
If you want a make-over suggestion made by me , contact me
on stardoll !!

xx liez-is-gek

DIY : 3 Knot hairstyles !

Hello Stardoll Lovers !
Today i'll show you how 2 make 3 diffrent knot hairstyles
with 'Stardesign Hair !'

Hairstyle 1 :
Step 1 : Cover her baldness :P
Then place some shadow

Step 2 : Pick a circle and place it on the top of her head.
Then pick some pieces braid. Make a braid
for her knot.

Step 3 : Pick some pieces hair and place them next to hair hair.

--That was Hairstyle 1 !!--
Step 1 : For this hairstyle you take a knot and place it in the left corner
from her neck. Put some pieces hair on the knot
2 make it a little bit messy. Also place a shadow.
Then put a small and a big tress on her head.

Step 2 : Put pieces of hair on the small and big tress.


Step 3 : Create flower earrings with pieces of hair.

That was Hairstyle 2  !!
Step 1 :  I call this Alien hair (:
Just kidding. This one is more a kind of a joke , but i hope you like it. (:

Cover her baldness :P Then pick 2 knots and place
one on the left side and the other one on
the right side.

Step 2 : Create shadow and put pieces of hair next 2 her head.

And you're DONE !!
I hope you like these hairstyles ! I enjoyed making them !!!
xx liez-is-gek


Hello Stardoll Lovers !
Today i'll show you 3 outfits without STARDOLLARS!
The First one is a Punk/Rock outfit.
I used :
Basic Black bra - 19 sc - BASICS
Belt w Chain - 30 sc - Fallen Angel
Studded Belt - 30 sc - Fallen Angel
Fallen Gloves - 30 sc - Fallen Angel
Rose Netstockings - 30 sc - Fallen Angel
Folk Girls' Sneakers - 40 sc - FOLK
Non Violence Print T-shirt - 50 sc - Evil Panda
Shorts - 40 sc - Pretty n' Love

WARNING : FOLK does'nt exist any more (as a shop) !! You can buy
the sneakers in the catalog !

The second one is a cute pink outfit.

I used :

Black an White Handbag - 10 sc - VOILE
Button Up Lace shirt - 68 sc - Pretty n' Love
First Voile Bridal Skirt - 76 sc - VOILE
Rose Headpiece - 60 sc - Perfect Day (Is in VOILE now)
Ankle Band Sandal - 30 sc - Pretty n' Love


The third one is a outfit for a Shopping Trip. (:

I used :
Golden Men Glasses - 85 sc - Spectacular
Pastel Belt - 10 sc - VOILE
Skirt Inspired by Celine - 50 sc - It Girls
Leopard Print Shift - 50 sc - It Girls
Drop Heels - 50 sc - It Girls
Shopping Sport Bag - 50 sc - Bonjour Bizou

I hope you like these outfits !! I really enjoyed making them.
xx liez-is-gek


STARDOLL DIY : Despicable Me Minion !

Hello Stardoll Lovers !
Today i'm gonna show you how 2 make these cute Despicable Me Minions 
in ' StarDesign Jewelry'!
Step 1 : Choose a cheap sort of earring. I choose the round one in
the colour yellow.
Step 2 : Create the body from the Minion with some blocks.
Step 3 : Make his pants with navy coloured feathers and one navy coloured block.
Then you need 2 small blocks in the same colour for the side of his pants.
Pick  a G shaped something for the 'Gru' Sign. (:
Create legs with 2 bars and 2 shells.

Step 4 : Create the eye with 2 feathers , 1 Big grey circle , 1 white circle (smaller than the
first one) , 2 black ones (1 small, 1 big) for the pupil and a brown circle.
( Look at the picture, it is easier then it looks :P )


Step 5 : Create the arms with 2 yellow feathers (same colour as the body) and
2 hand shaped figures. And also create the mouth with a small black feather.

And now (we just CAN'T forget this) A BANANAAAAA! :)
Create a banana with one yellow ( not the colour of the body ) moon shaped
figure and a small brow bar.

BOOOOM ! That's yoourrrrr selfmade minion !! :D
I hope you liked this DIY.
xx liez-is-gek